Performance - Clear Comp

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Enhance your strategic decision-making and drive continuous improvement.

Track and improve performance across your sales team, and ensure it stays motivated every step of the way. 

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Track your team’s KPIs and OKRs

KPIs and OKRs Management

Effortlessly implement, track, and review your team’s KPIs and OKRs. Our user-friendly platform streamlines the process, making it easier than ever to set, monitor and evaluate your key performance indicators and objectives. Tap into your salespeoples’ strengths, weaknesses, and growth possibilities.


Harness the power of detailed and customized sales performance analysis to better forecast future business goals. ClearComp allows you to gain deep insights into your team’s track record, providing the foundation for more accurate and informed forecasting.

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Unlock performance visibility and let your team take lead in accountability, fueling the growth of its compensation in the next payment cycle.

Level up your company's performance.

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Calculating commissions
and tracking sales performance
since 2025